Welcome to the Foundation School

Welcome to the Peninsula Foundation School, part of Peninsula Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education, which in turn is part of NHSE, working across the South West.

Our programmes are offered in five different localities. Each programme is delivered through an acute hospital and you will be their employee as well as a Peninsula Foundation School doctor. Wherever your programme is based, you can be confident of a high quality training experience and educational faculty that are looking to support and encourage you in your development.

Foundation Training in the Peninsula

The Foundation Programme has a national Curriculum and Operational Guide which are followed by all Foundation Schools across the UK.

To ensure you have good opportunities to meet the competencies outlined in the curriculum, as a trainee in the Peninsula we will ensure that you:

  1. Work within an approved programme
  2. Have a designated educational and clinical supervisor
  3. Have access to up-to-date clinical skills facilities
  4. Are offered support and feedback.
  5. Benefit from a regional teaching programme in F2


​​​​As a Peninsula Foundation doctor, in any locality, you will follow a 2-year broad based programme of 6x4 month posts. You will have the same opportunities for tasters and other study leave wherever you are based. You will be given Advanced Life Support training. You will use an e-portfolio as a record of your training experience and submit that portfolio at the end of each training year to an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) panel. 

UK graduates will be eligible for full registration with the GMC once F1 has successfully been completed. Foundation year 2 (F2) replaces the first year previously spent as a senior house officer (SHO).

Generic skills required by every doctor are learnt, as well as professional skills such as communication, team working and the use of evidence and data. Trainees are required to demonstrate their abilities and provide evidence of their competence via their contemporaneous HORUS ePortfolio.

Please see the  Foundation Programme Office website for further information on Foundation Training in the UK.