Foundation Doctor Taster Report Form



Current trust


Taster specialty


Venue and department


Name and grade of taster supervisor


Dates of taster



Please outline your reasons for completing this taster:



Prior to the taster, in what specific ways did you think you might be suited to this specialty?




Prior to the taster, did you have any specific concerns about ways in which you might not be suited to the specialty?




What did you find the most valuable learning experiences and how did they match your needs? 




What areas did you find the most challenging?




To what extent do you think that you were able to get a representative picture of clinical practice in this particular specialty during the taster?




Do you have any remaining questions about the specialty that you were not able to resolve on the taster?  If so, how could you have these questions answered?





Did the taster differ from your expectations?  Has it changed your ideas or thoughts on a career direction?  If so, how?




What are the next steps you are going to take on the basis of having completed the taster? 





I confirm that I have discussed my taster experience with my Educational Supervisor  


Notes for the Foundation Doctor –


  • Please store the completed form in your e-portfolio once you have discussed with your Educational Supervisor / FTPD. 
  • Please also send a copy to the Postgraduate Centre so that they can record that you have undertaken a taster.
  • Please complete the taster evaluation form below and return it to the Postgraduate Centre.




 Foundation Doctor Specialty Taster Feedback Form



Taster specialty


Dates of taster




What was good about your taster?






What could have been improved?






Would you recommend this taster

to another Foundation Doctor?







Any additional comments?








[to be returned to the Postgraduate Centre]