Peninsula Foundation School Committee Minutes

Tuesday 9th May 2023 10:00 – 13:00

Plumer House, Plymouth and via MS Teams


Sarah Rawlinson


Peninsula Foundation School Director

Suzanne Maddock


Peninsula Foundation School Manager

Bill Wylie


Lay Representative

Teresa Burnett


Foundation Programme Director UHPT

Kathryn Eccleston


Foundation Programme Director FY1 RCHT

Rachel Todd


Foundation Programme Director FY2 RCHT

Caroline Rawlings


Medical Education Centre Manager NDHT

Trudy Eddy


Senior Manager of Medical Education RCHT

Matt Metherell


Foundation Programme Administrator RCHT

Neil Walker


Foundation Programme Director FY2 RDE

Angela Cottrell


Foundation Programme Director FY1 RDE

Nina Bossa


Medical Education Manager RDE

Helen Darke


Foundation Programme Co-ordinator RDE

Jen Hole


Foundation Programme Co-ordinator UHP

Kate Talmage


Medical Education Centre Manager UHP

Emily Crehan


F2 Trainee Representative

Mandy Turner


F1 & F2 Admin support & HR TSDHT

Emily Drew


Foundation Programme Administrator UHP

Gura Dua


Foundation Programme Directors FY2 TSDHT






Trudi Geach


Peninsula Foundation School Co-ordinator

Hisham Khalil


Foundation Programme Director UHPT


Basma Ahmad


F1 Trainee Representative

Fionn Bellis


Foundation Programme Director NDHT

Herikan Kambo


F2 Trainee Representative

Sara Evans


Education Lead

Nadia Khatib


Foundation Programme Director FY2 TSDHT

Daranee Boon


Foundation Programme Director UHPT

Natalie Band


Peninsula Foundation School Co-ordinator

Syeda Bukhari


F1 Trainee Representative






































1. Apologies SM confirmed apologies received from those listed above.

2. Agree meeting from March 2023 Foundation School Committee Meeting.

SR asked meeting to review previous minutes for accuracy.  No amendments needed. Actions were reviewed as below:

TOR – School to actively seek Medical School representation of the committee. (TG) – still ongoing keep on Actions

Trusts to continue to inform NBA when creating an online session that can be opened up to Severn on Maxcourse – all trusts now aware Action closed.

EC to consult with trusts about the proposal of buddying up for local teaching session – EC in hand – one session completed – SR asked EC to report back to meeting when appropriate.

TE/MM to investigate whether the Human Factors course is still held in Truro.  TE confirmed that they no longer run in Truro post Covid.  SR confirmed increasing offer of Human Factors through Regional Teaching, however the Deanery yet to send out Annual Development Plan, therefore all Regional Teaching has not yet been approved for funding for next academic year.

SR to see if it is possible for the talk on ‘trainee's attitudes’ can be delivered to FSC delegates – SR confirmed talk taking place Friday 12th May – link circulated please send to ES in trust and attend.  SR will ask if session can be recorded and will let everyone know. added to actions

All to update on cancelled teaching and/or rearrangements. – SR advised there has been noise in Torbay which has been addressed – are any other trusts having any issues? A general discussion took place which highlighted common themes:  a challenging year, lack of faculty, concern re cancellations being voiced by FDs and used with strike days as reasons for their non achievement of mandatory hours.  SR asked EC for feedback.  EC has had feedback from F1s in RCHT who are concerned about the lack of catch up sessions for teaching sessions that have been cancelled.   EC also did a feedback form for some of the F2s as well which highlighted study leave issues, difficulty getting study leave and finding it hard to book on to Max courses because they could not get their study leave forms signed on time in order to go to Max course events.

RT stated F1s are finding it difficult to get to sessions if they were post nights, post weekends, etc and talking again about whether we would be able to record sessions? SR referred to previous discussions when because of the lack of evidence over whether they watch the recordings and the reduced benefit,  it was decided not to record sessions.  SR felt that if there was an issue with trainees going to teaching that should be addressed rather than getting around it by recording sessions.  KE did point out that after reviewing portfolios most F1s are nearly at their required hours already. Torbay are reviewing the number of hours offered and they have 60 hrs scheduled to meet their 30 hours required.  Torbay have sent more emails out to recruit consultants but feel it is a perception issue. Torbay have also reminded departments that F1s need to attend 2 hours on Thursday.  SR asked trusts to consider reviewing the numbers of hours offered and focus on the quality of teaching and enforcing the need for F1s to be released.  SR added if F2s are struggling to get study leave need to raise with trust education team. 

SR announced that the school have just appointed a clinical fellow,  an ED trainee in Derriford, who will have a remit to look at teaching topics.  He will start in Aug or Sept – looking at specific project hope to give some support to trusts along with Sara Evans.

Trusts to inform the Foundation School of any potential F1 and F2 repeaters from 2023/24. SR talked to every trust action complete.

SR has asked FPDs to formally write to her with their concerns re remuneration and expansion and she will pass on to senior leads.  Trusts to inform the Foundation School of what they wish to happen with F2 vacancies for 2023/34 – SR confirmed she had not heard from any trust. SR put paper together last year which confirmed all trusts were behind allocation of time verses the increased numbers of Foundation Doctors and Doctors in difficulty, however she needs something from trusts in writing to back up the findings of her paper re renumeration for FPDs and admin time SR will then use this to press the case with the Deanery. added to actions

There will no one off payment this year for increased admin support. 

F2 standalone recruitment is well under way.  Some F2 vacancies have been put into the recruitment round.  SM confirmed individual trust numbers.  There will be another round later in May.  SR stated that trusts should not assume that F2 vacancies are vacant as they will either be put into standalone or used for extensions.

IMGs £3000.00 funding trusts need to report on how funding was spent in September 2023 to the FSC added to actions

Update GP guidance around annual leave.  action complete

Remind trainees via the trainee bulletin that they cannot sign off SLEs for other trainees.  action complete

Bill Wylie commented that he had been impressed with the engagement from Foundation Doctors in recent Quality Panels.

3. Trainee Rep Matters

EC only representative present at the meeting.  She had received many questions about ARCP requirements as noted below:

ARCP Requirement Clarifications. 

Strike days EC asked for clear clarification.  SR reported there is no absolute clarification on the number of days TOOT re strike action.  SR reported any absences only looked at as a total number of days absent.   20 days will trigger a review by the FSD if a doctor is over 20days SR recommended that they make sure their portfolio is up to date.  The number of days absent is only reviewed as overall picture in conjunction with the full portfolio of a doctor.  Over 20 days not an absolute extension.  For F1s the GMC are clear that 12 months must be completed to obtain full GMC registration.  No one will be penalised for striking alone.  To an ARCP panel strike days will only be seen as absence days

QI what evidence is needed?  Do they need a certificate or data before and after?  SR confirmed F1 evidence of participation and knowledge of Qi is required. For F2 evidence of being significantly involved in a project is needed.  A F2 should present data ideally to completion, e.g. presenting findings to a department, but SR confirmed there is no hard rule, and a decision will be made by the ARCP panel.  The gold standard remains a presentation to a department.  If in doubt the F2 should talk to FPDs instead of their ES.  EC asked whether a data set and a reflection on what data shows be sufficient.  SR stated to put presentation together and say they will be presenting on x date in the worst case scenario this would lead to an outcome 5.

NW had been asked a couple of times by doctors who cannot get a slot in the department but has said if they are ready to present that is okay.  SR will discuss at the ARCP workshop re QI to ensure consistency.  EC asked if a QI project had been done and presented in F1 could this be used for F2 SR confirmed that yes it could but would need to be relinked to curriculum.

Sick days on Form R

Need to report sickness – need to count only the days you were due in work.  Does not need to match ESR.  SR would review any absences over 20 and check that they are actual working days.

Is a separate reflection needed for each Maxcourse attended and be on the PDP for that block?  SR confirmed not required.  but category 3 study leave courses need to be in PDP to reflect future career plans.  Maxcourse courses are Category 1 Foundation specific therefore do not need to be on PDPs. SM to review Taster guidance.  KT confirmed in UHP doctors need to fill in a Taster form which is then uploaded to their portfolio.  MT confirmed Torbay do the same.

Study Leave forms

Feedback from foundation doctors state that it takes too long to get study leave forms signed off.  SR stated that the process has to be followed.  If there are issues, they need addressing by the trust.  TE stated Truro have one department causing issues and they are dealing it.  F2s who do not drive feel they have a limited choice for teaching.

Academic Foundation (SFP) Doctors

SFP doctors feel there is a lack of funding for privately funded courses.  SR reiterated there is no cap on study leave for anyone, SFP doctors are no different they can apply for study leave and funding and it will be agreed or not.  NW a lot are international courses which RDE tell them only one will be considered.  SR replied that international study leave was difficult, in Foundation international study leave would only be agreed if chosen to present at a conference.  SM will clarify international study leave guidance for Foundation.  Taken on an individual case by case.  If you are not presenting it is unlikely international study leave would be agreed as it was not appropriate for Foundation.  If the conference is in the UK, then the cat 3 process applies in study leave guidance.

Late working permit for working outside hours - SR asked EC to let them know that they should refer to their trust team.

4. Regional Teaching

ESG feedback from Sara Evans delivered by SM.  Copy attached.

Coroners Day numbers are very low.  All to promote in trusts.  If issue with facilitators let school know ASAP.  The FSC agreed to open capacity up to IMT doctors.  SM will consult with TE to agree a cut-off date when the day will be open to IMTs.

The opening up of courses with unlimited attendee capacity to F1s was discussed.  It was felt that it would set a precedent re study leave for F1s, and possibly reduce existing F1teaching.  KE asked if it was possible to restrict to F1s in the trust running it. RT felt it may lead to F1s taking / asking for study leave.  NW no study leave, open up to those with time off, but time off post nights is to rest.

MT reported for the career’s day Torbay cancelled F1 teaching saying the careers day was the F1 teaching for that week.

In summary, those present expressed a reluctance to F1s attending regional teaching courses because of the study leave issue.  Case by case basis trust /department may be accommodating.  Open to IMTs if numbers struggling.

Enhance Programme.

CR ND has an Enhance champion.  SR has been aware for 12 months, that the generalism is a government backed programme.  Each region has a champion (Mark Fresh in North Devon).  SR reported that there has been a formal request from the government to promote the Enhance programme to Foundation doctors (FDS) but there has been some push back due to other pressures so there will be no enforcement of this request until August 24.  A FSD from another region has produced some work books.  At the moment there is only the request to let FDs know it is voluntary and available through elfh.  SR stated that if anyone was interested, there may be some funding to promote the programme.  SR wondered if trusts may put on a teaching session for F2s to let them know about the programme.  CR reported that Mark started the position in Jan.  ND has appointed a small facility with a Dr Crapnell in RDE leading.  The team also consists of an AHP from GP and a GP trainee on OOPE to develop programme in ND.  Everyone approaching this in a different way with ND focussing on remote, rural and retention.  SR stated the ask at the moment is for more of a general FDs to be aware of the principles of the Enhance programme through the modules available.  Someone, for example, the ES, would however have to sign off the modules.  SR stated we need to start to think about how we get the message out.  SR asked everyone to send in details of who may be interested in being responsible for promoting the message and also send in ideas of how it may be promoted in their trust.  SM to contact Helen Johnson to see if she can attend the next FSC.

5. Expansion and Recruitment

SR thanked everyone for their efforts in confirming programmes.  Despite the initial messages the Peninsula did not get the numbers originally feared.  SR confirmed that all programmes were now full but anymore withdrawals will result in vacant programme these however may be needed to facilitate 12 month repeats.  SR asked anyone talking to those needing a 12 month repeat must make them aware they may not be in their current trust.

SM stated the results of the UKFPO consultation on allocation was not yet known but it was likely to change for next year’s intake.  A system of random allocation is being considered.  SR stated that if this system is adopted with is no movement on capping the numbers or prioritising the UK graduates this will cause issues next year.

Expansion SR reported that the vast majority of our planned expansion was taking place this August.  Truro 9 left for next year.  Plymouth 6/3 Torbay 3/6.

6. FSD Feedback

SR reported the review of the PSA has now concluded – there is now a recommendation that the  PSA is a requirement for entry into F1 and this may have an impact on the numbers of IMGs we see.  Recommended that F2 IMG will also need the PSA. These are recommendations only at the moment.

The school has appointed an Education Fellow and an IMG fellow appointed for an August/Sept start subject to the paperwork being completed.  The IMG fellow is a paediatrian from Derriford.  Her remit will be looking at what an enhanced induction for an IMG will look like and what we want to put in place in future years.

Friday 12th Generations Webinar – SR asked trusts to promote attendance.

SR also reiterated the effect of the NHS merger was having on school admin support as there is a no recruitment policy presently.  Admin is stretched and she asked those present to think about email queries.

There are finance issues following the merger which has led to difficulties in paying invoices due to the change in systems.  SR felt there will also be increased scrutiny on the Annual Development Plan.

Deanery staff will go into consultation for 45 days in June, following the release of new structures.

7. General Practice Update

No representative available

8. Psychiatry

No representative available

SR announced she has been trying to establish relationship for a while and has had positive responses from the DMEs recently.  They have agreed they will send a representative to this meeting.

JH issues in Psych placements for F1 and F2s – more feedback received JH trying to set up meeting to discuss the feedback with Alison Battersby.  Doctors report they do not like Psych placements as they lose clinical skills. UHP are looking to include a night shift in MAU, but they are looking at how this would be paid for.  RCHT confirmed Psych trainees are released back to the trust once a week in the day.  UHP agreed they will approach Psych for day release.

9. A.O.B

SR: ARCP panel set up – please can all trusts ensure that there are 3 panel members per panel as all COVID derogations are now gone.  ARCP panels should be led by a FPD plus 2 supervisors, last resort MEMs.  If a supervisor on panel flags in red on the outcome form, they cannot take part in the panel discussion and must leave the room.  ARCP workshop will be held 23rd May 2pm.  Any specific question for workshop please email SR

ALS cap £350.00 discussed.  May not apply to Foundation as a curriculum requirement.  SM will request clarification from Faculty.

Trainee discussions – SR brought in drop in sessions instead pre FSC discussions present members were asked which they would prefer. 

A discussion took place, and it was felt that the ad hoc drop in sessions were useful but there was still a need for the pre FSC discussions as well.  It was agreed MEMs could attend on behalf of a FPD if they cannot attend.  School to reinstate the pre FSC discussion for FPDs

CR asked re funding for the end of year wellbeing away day 4th July F2 to Lundy Island SR confirmed CR to put through on monthly return, but she would look to add it to the Annual Development plan for 2024 onwards.

Future meetings

Wednesday 20th September 2023 10:00 – 13:00
Tuesday 28th November 2023 14:00 – 17:00

 Actions for Review:


Agenda Item

FSC Member


By When



TOR – School to actively seek Medical School representation of the committee. (TG)

On Going


To ask facilitator of the ‘Generations’ talk if session can be recorded for those who cannot attend


Every Trust

Email SR ASAP with their concerns re remuneration and time allocation in view of the expansion in numbers of programmes and the increase in numbers of DiD.


Every Trust

All trusts report on what they have used the £3000.00 IMG money in September’s FSC meeting

Sept FSC



Review Taster guidance on website



Clarify International Study Leave Guidance for Foundation Programme




Consult with TE to agree a cut-off date for Coroners day to be opened up to IMT doctors.



Send SR details of anyone in trust who may be interested in being responsible for the promotion of the Enhance Programme in each trust and think about how it may be promoted to Foundation doctors in their trust.

Next Meeting


Contact Helen Johnson to see if she can attend the next FSC to talk about Enhance

Next Meeting



Request clarity from faculty on the £350.00 ALS cap – does it apply to foundation?



School to reinstate the pre FSC confidential discussion for FPDs, Mems will be able to deputise in the absence of the FPD.