Health Education England working across the South West
Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education
Minutes of the Foundation School Committee at Plumer House, Tailyour Road, Crownhill, Plymouth
Tuesday 22nd May 2018, 10.00am – 1pm.



Sarah Rawlinson (Health Education England), Trudi Geach (HEE), Suzanne Maddock (HEE),  Steve Tran (F2 rep), Steve Boumphrey (UHPT), Angela Cottrell (RDE), Charlotte King (SDHT),  Tom Stovin (F2 rep), Alex Parr (F1 Rep), Kirsty Ellmers (SDHT), Elizabeth Ginn (SDHT), Tom Smith-Walker (RCHT), Linda Willimott (UHPT), Tom Lewis (NDHT via SKYPE), Nina Bossa (RDE), William Gewanter (F1 rep), Caroline Rawlings (NDHT), Elizabeth Ginn (SDHT).


1. Apologies:

Tamsin Sleep (SDHT), Nicki Saulsbury (Medical School Representative Exeter), Paul Thomas (Head of Peninsula School of Primary Care), Giles Richards (Head of School of Psychiatry), Tim Hookway (UHPT), Matthew Bowles (UHPT).


2. Agree meeting notes from March Foundation School Committee Meeting                      

Matters arising from the previous meeting were discussed:

I: Local Training

As NS was not present it was agreed to carry this forward to the next FSC Meeting in September when hopefully NS would be able to report on the costs involved.

A: NS to provide the costs of providing half day teaching courses and look into the feasibility of providing them and update the committee at the next meeting.

ST informed the meeting of the results of his survey of local trainees.

A: SM to request written confirmation of course survey from ST and this will be used in the review of study leave and funding of courses.

TG reported that she had investigated how Severn deliver their regional teaching and confirmed that the Foundation School (FS) was still pursuing this as an option but at present she was unsure as to how Severn were funding its provision. 

A: TG to provide further clarification on funding at next FSC Meeting.

I: Job Descriptions

All trusts present confirmed that the completion of Job Descriptions was in hand.

A: All trusts to provide job descriptions to FS by October 2018 at the latest.

I: Weekly Bulletin

All present confirmed that the FS weekly bulletin was much improved.  TG thanked Richard Sloman for his work on this.

 I: The meeting notes from March 7th were formally agreed.


3. Recruitment

I: Standalone F1 & F2 Recruitment 18/19 April Birmingham

TG reported that she attended the above recruitment together with TL from NDHT and Himanshu Sharma from UHPT.  806 applicants were interviewed.  We in the Peninsula as at the time of the meeting have 7 F2 vacancies (across SDHT, NDHT and RCHT) and 1 F1 vacancy (in SDHT) for August 2018.  TG was hopeful that we will fill these.  SR advised that she was given to understand that there were not very many London jobs available and this should help in filling our vacancies.  TG advised that the UKFPO timeline for the process will mean that we will not know how many had been filled until the middle of June resulting in very tight timescales for the trusts.  TL expressed the frustration felt by fellow panel members at having to interview existing UK F1s for F2 standalone posts.  SR asked trainee reps if they felt that many Peninsula F1s had applied for F2 standalone.  They agreed that some felt the process was part of a SWAPs process.


4. Trainee Representative Matters.

I: Exception Reporting

TS stated that Foundation Doctors had been sent a questionnaire re exception reporting.  The general feeling amongst trainees is that if they exception report it will be held against them.  SR stated that the questionnaire has been instigated by FDAB.  All FSs were asked to send out to all trainees.  Peninsula FS has sent this out but not all FSs nationally have.  The numbers of exception reports are low particularly for education.  The trainee reps felt that the time it takes to complete a report discourages completion.  AP reported that to select a rota in UHPT there are over 150 to choose from.  He had tried to find who was responsible content of the drop down box but had been unable to.  It was acknowledged that if a trainee completes reports regularly the time it takes to complete does improve.  WG reported that Guardians assume that if there are no reports then the system is working however, of those recently surveyed 0.5% of Foundation Trainees thought the process was fit for purpose.  SR stressed that individual trusts must work hard to ensure that trainees are confident that if they complete an exception report it will not be used against them.  SR reiterated that the FSDs, FS and Guardian will support trainees who exception report.  She also stressed that if trainees are not getting to teaching the FS cannot do anything about it unless there are exception reports to support.  SB stated that he was aware that there was an App version of the form available which may be more convenient for trainees.

I: Teaching Standards

FDAB reported recently on the national variations in the number of hours teaching trainees are required to attend.  SR reported that at her last FSD meeting they had agreed a national standard of 6hours = 1 training day.  Therefore 15 days teaching would equate to 90 hours teaching per year so the requirement of attending 70% would in turn equate to 60 hours.  Therefore trainees will need to evidence 60 hours teaching.  Discussions ensued as to what the FSC felt was reasonable to contribute to the 60hours.

A: All trusts to email TG what they feel would be an acceptable break down to meet the teaching requirement under the following headings:

  • Face to Face (include ALS, ILS and SIMS?).
  • E Learning for Health.
  • Other (e.g. departmental teaching – if relevant and able to be linked to competencies).

TS observed that he had calculated that UHPT offered only 61 hours of F2 teaching not 90.

I: Locum Rates of Pay

FDAB also discussed the rates of pay offered to F1 and F2 and it was found that theses varied nationally by up to 2 or 3 times.

I:ARCPS Curriculum Mapping

Recent confusion re the number of pieces of evidence required per competency was discussed.  It was felt that because HORUS states “At least 1 piece of evidence is required” per competency trainees had taken that to read that they only needed 1 piece.  SR outlined that the local policy of needing 3 pieces of evidence had been confirmed by Georgia Jones the then Head of School over a year ago when Horus was adopted by HEE.  The guidance has not changed and it is no different than that needed at last year’s ARCPs.  Clarification was then sought for the use of SLEs.  SR confirmed a SLE may be used for more than 1 competency as long as it could be evidenced to be relevant up to an ideal number of 3 competencies but a maximum of 5.  As there was no longer the option to use the pencil to link SLEs to the curriculum trainees should use reflections instead.  SR pointed out that ARCP panels may challenge a trainee if they can see most of the reflections being completed in May.  LW advised the FSC that she had noticed that PAS/ALS/ILs/SIMS could not be linked to the curriculum if they had not been approved by a supervisor.  Those present agreed that trust administrators could authorise these instead of supervisors.


I: GR is currently on annual leave and therefore there were no items to discuss

6. Study Leave

I: SR informed the meeting that funding for study leave was now centralised and this would have implications for Foundation Doctors study leave.  SR together with Clare Van-Hamel in Severn has been asked to compile a list of standard courses the FS feel are acceptable for FDs to receive funding and time for.  It is felt nationally that there must be consistency across the country.  FS guidance on study leave currently states that courses must

1)    Support the curriculum (e.g. ALS, ILS)

2)    Support Career Development

SR also pointed out that we could consider giving time and not funding in some cases. 

SR felt that there was an element of data gathering going on this year to see what courses trainees were applying for study leave for, however next year there would be more scrutiny.

SR felt that it would be hard to have a truly defined list.  It was pointed out that some colleges are giving extra points at application to specialty training for some courses – e.g. BSS.  The FSC therefore felt there would be a danger of trainees being disadvantaged if they do not complete these types of courses. AC wondered if the trainees could be asked to justify why they want to attend a course. SR stated it was HEE policy that study leave should be used to support core curriculum competencies and the trainee must be on track for a satisfactory outcome at ARCP.

A: All trusts to provide a list of courses undertaken by their trainees over the last 2 years for FS to draw up a list of easily authorised courses.

A: Educational Supervisors to be allowed to sign off requests if the course is easily able to be linked to the curriculum – if not then FPDs or above need to sign off.  Any requests to attend a conference should be approved by FPD or above although SR felt that the trainee would need to be presenting for it to be approved.

A: SR to establish what courses score points at application for which specialties, whether extra points are given for any conferences or regional meeting.  Exam courses would be excluded.

7. Terms of Reference

This item was moved from item 10 as TS-W needed to leave the meeting after the new terms of reference were agreed.

SR took the meeting through each point on the Terms of Reference for review.  Amendments to the membership and review were made and agreed upon as per the attached document.  The meeting agreed that these be adopted upon immediate effect.  SR stated in addition to the terms of reference she would expect all FPDs to attend at least 2 of the 4 FSC meetings held per year.  She would also be looking for at least 1 FPD to attend from each trust at each meeting.  Martin Beaman has written to each DME reminding them of the trusts obligation to support FPDs.

A: In order to make attendance easier it was decided to start future meetings at 9am.

At this point T S-W left the meeting.

8. Audits

I: This matter has been dealt with and was no longer applicable.

9. Welcome Event

I:  Welcome Event Feedback Report

SR presented the above document (attached) to the meeting.  A general discussion ensued around feedback from this year’s Welcome Event around the following :-

  • The Dean’s welcoming address.
  • Timings.
  • More time with existing trainees.
  • Trusts to present a more balanced view of how things really are in trusts.
  • Career planning relevance at this point in their careers.
  • Royal Devon & Exeter trust presentation feedback.

A: TG and FS to look at the date for next year’s event which is due to be held at T & SD.  Look at an earlier date to allow students more time after to rank their programmes.

10. Career Destination Survey

I: SR presented the results of the 2017 Careers Destination Survey (attached).  There has been a decrease in applicants to specialty training and a small increase in those trainees taking a formal career break.  The UKFPO has been monitoring returning trainees and at the moment 90% of trainees who do not immediately apply for specialty training do return.  SR also highlighted the take up rates for GP and Psychiatry following the broadening the programme initiatives.  At the present time there has been no significant increase in trainees applying to specialty training in those areas.  SR advised that we were the only FS in the country that asked trainees to complete a paper based version of the survey.  Historically this was to enable ‘local’ questions to be asked.  SR asked if there were any objections to the adoption of the electronic version wef this year.  None were forthcoming however clarification on what the local data was used for and by whom is to be sought.

A: SR and TG to investigate the use of the local data previously collated and SR to decide if the electronic version of the survey can be adopted to bring us into line with other FSs.

11. Update from the National Foundation School Directors (May 2018)

I: F1 Pay for Shadowing Period

SR reported that nationally there is a variation in what F1s are paid for their shadowing period.  It was generally felt that they were paid basic pay for this period in the peninsula.

A: All trusts to confirm to TG what they pay their F1s for shadowing.  SR will report back to the FSD meeting.

SR stated that the FSD discussed the FDAB findings on exception reporting, teaching and study leave covered earlier in this FSC meeting.

F1 Clerking

I:SR reported there is also a concern in the variation of the amount of clerking F1s undertake nationally and SR invited feedback from the trainee reps.  TS advised that he knew in Paediatrics in UHPT F1 were not allowed to clerk patients but medical students were.

A:SR asked that all FPDS for F1 confirm what clerking their F1s undertake.

TL stated that at the recent standalone recruitment some candidates nationally had been able to complete F1 without having to clerk a single patient.

Foundation School Review

I: SR presented the Foundation School Review document (attached) which has been circulated to all supervisors.  The review will be conducted by volunteers split into 6 groups each group having a particular area to review.  SR advised she had volunteered and was waiting to hear which group she will be involved with.  The UKFPO are looking for volunteers from everyone involved in the Foundation Programme and invites to be involved were sent with the recent email.  There will be a meeting once a month via SKYPE to monitor progression towards proposals being received by April 2019.

12. AOB

SR requested that a regular agenda item be added to the FSC to discuss trainees in difficulty.  It was agreed that the trainee reps would leave the meetings at that point.

A: FS to add Trainees in Difficulty to future Agendas for FSC.

AP asked if existing F1 trainee reps can stay on in their role as F2 reps.  TG confirmed they would be invited to stay on as F2 reps after ARCP. A letter will go out when the new F1s start to invite them to volunteer to be F1 reps.

SR reported that Jamie Dunne has been appointed as Foundation Programme Director for F2 as Kirsty Ellmers’ replacement.  A formal handover will take place after ARCPs.

Gavin Lloyd FPD F2 in Exeter has resigned and this role has been advertised.  David Richardson has resigned has Associate Programme Director in North Devon.  T &SD have appointed 2 pastoral support tutors.  Tim Hookway has been appointed as FPD for F2s in UHPT as SR’s replacement and Himanshu Sharma has been appointed as FPD for F1s in UHPT as SB’s replacement.

SR took the opportunity to thank David Richardson, Kirsty Elmers, Steve Boumphrey and Gavin Lloyd for all their hard work over their time as FPDs.

SB stated that with the review of the Foundation School he felt that this should be an opportunity to review the way that FPDs are funded especially in view of the planned expansion in training numbers.  TL asked how constrained the trusts are with how they use the money allocated to them for FPDs as he felt that some of the money could be used to fund people who are not clinicians for some aspects of the role such as pastoral care. 

A: SR will ask Martin Beaman and report back at the next meeting.

AC asked whether F2 in GP travel to work time is included in their 40 hour week.  TG and SM confirmed that it was -  as outlined in the F2 in GP practice information sheet sent out to trusts with the GP allocation.

AC asked if it was in order for her to pass TOIs for F2s going to ST.  Those present felt that the trainee’s permission would have to be obtained.  TG confirmed that F1s moving trusts within the Peninsula for F2 will complete a TOI.  SR felt that if it was appropriate information could be recorded on an F2s ARCP form.

The meeting concluded.

17. Next Meeting:

26th September RILD Building Exeter (start time to be confirmed).