
Sarah Rawlinson (HEE), James Keitley (Guest speaker), Fionn Bellis (NDHT), Connor Tuffs (F2 rep), Kate Talmage (UHPT), Mandy Turner (TSDHT), Trudi Geach (HEE), Suzanne Maddock(HEE), Natalie Band (HEE), Bill Wylie (Lay rep), Nina Bossa (RDE), Trudy Eddy (RCHT), Jan Morgan (TSDHT), Leila Ellis (F1 rep), Amber Pankhurst (F1 rep),  Angela Cottrell (RDE), Nadia Khatib (TSDHT), Daranee Boon (UHPT), Jamie Dunn (UHPT), Neil Walker (RDE), Phillip Reilley (TSDHT), Kathryn Eccleston (RCHT), Tom Smith – Walker (RCHT), Kerry Dungay (UHPT)





1. F1 induction simulation project 
I: James Keitley, Simulation Clinical Fellow at Derriford joined the meeting to explain a project he is working on to introduce simulation to the F1 induction. The aim is to make the start of F1 easier with the introduction of SIM and the project has created 7 scenarios of learning outcomes to run SIM on the wards. This project would be part of the induction which gives the F1 the chance to become familiar with logistics in the new hospital. The project aims to help trust implementation to compliment what is already being done. The scenarios are clinical skills that trainees will be doing on a regular basis. James recognises that running sim for so many people can be a challenge so would need contacts in trusts.
A: TG confirmed she had a contact in each trust except Exeter and would forward the names on to James.
A: NB to send the name of the Exeter contact to TG as soon as possible.
I: The project can run flexibly to fit in. The recommendation is for 6 doctors at a time for short sessions which would ideally take place on medical/surgical wards but the current pandemic may change this if the numbers in hospital continue.
I: HEE have funded the project and each trust would get a share of this to deliver the sessions (approx £5500). The funding can be used for equipment that would be needed to run the scenarios. James would like to identify local leaders to spread the word and invest in evaluation to make sure it is as useful as possible for trainees. Further information can be found here:
I: The trusts asked how would it be proportioned across the year – the project envisage the sessions taking place in the first couple of months and recognise that it could be challenging to run sessions on the wards. James would be happy to work with individual trusts to adapt the model to fit in.
I: James confirmed it would be a good opportunity for F2s to be a teacher on these sessions as long as they have taken part in the training and there was someone else who was specifically SIM trained overseeing the project.
A: James to look into the possibility of providing some training for those who are going to run sessions.


2. Apologies:


Sarah Ansell (GP School, HEE), Nick Toms (Medical School rep), Jacqui Rees Lee (TSDHT), Simon Bonnell (Psychiatry rep)


I: SR welcomed Jamie Dunn to his first meeting as FPD in Derriford.

I: SR informed the committee that this would be Jan Morgan’s last meeting as Medical Education Manager in Torbay. Jan is retiring from her post at the end of March. SR thanked Jan for all her hard work for foundation and wished her all the best for the future.

3. Agree meeting notes from December 2020 Foundation School Committee Meeting.  

I: The Plymouth Medical School have been in contact with Daranee regarding Year 5 Doctors Assistant roles.
I: The Foundation School will not send the End of Post survey results directly to the trainees and will continue to send to the trust for use at the quality panels.
A: Carried forward - all trusts (ND have completed this action) are asked to check all their posts/sites have site approval and appropriate supervision is in place on the ODS list sent by TG. This action is really important to complete as if the site has not been approved the training completed at that site is not valid.
I: Welcome Event meeting with the trusts was very useful – further discussion later on the agenda.
A: Carried forward - SA to invite SR to any higher level collaborative meetings re GP placements. Since the meeting this action has now been completed.
I: Trusts must remember to inform FS if they are made aware of a change to a GP Supervisor.
I: New policy for claiming mileage whilst in a community placement was discussed. Trainees can now only claim anything over and above 17 miles unless they are doing home visits during the placement. This is not just a foundation change so the FS are waiting for central communication to come out from HEE.
A: TG to chase HEE for a communication email to circulate. Post meeting note. This action has been completed and an email has been sent out.
I: If any trust decides to pay the trainees travel claim HEE will not reimburse the trust.
A: Carried forward- LE to send details of the online European Society of Intensive Care Medicine COVID course to SR. Post meeting note: the ESICM COVID skills preparation course ( has been reviewed by SR and if completed by foundation trainees they should count this as non-core teaching so this action is now complete
I: AC will be joining SR at the upcoming FSD workshop to implement the new curriculum.
I: SR confirmed that the FS will support ATLS / APLS courses- if the FS chose not to it would have been a national outlier. Communication was sent to all trusts clarifying that if SR supports the request it will be approved by HEE.
I: SR had not had any feedback from trusts regarding out of sync trainees being considered for the outstanding trainee of the year award. As this process is completed at the time of ARCP it is difficult to include out of sync trainees. No FPD expressed a desire to change the policy. Can be revisited in the future if the position changes. I: The GMC course for IMGs will not be going ahead this year. There is an alternative course online available through the GMC website which is free to attend. There is currently no money to support an extended induction for any IMG trainee or trainees who have been out of practice. UKFPO have requested to extend the F1 induction which has not been confirmed yet. All IMG trainees should receive a welcome from HEE. The trusts confirmed that the higher grade trainees are receiving these letters so would hope that in August any newly appointed foundation IMGs would also receive the letter.

4. ARCP process 2021

D: The process to use for 2021 will revert to the 2019 process and portfolios will not be reviewed by the admin team. I: There is derogated criteria for ARCP for 2021 which all trusts have been sent. Any post panel meeting will likely be on teams as they will all take place before the government restrictions are lifted on 21st June. 
A: TG to put a case together to send to HEE as the trusts feel it is important to have face to face meetings and these meetings are beneficial for the trainees. TG will put the response in an email to all trusts.
I: ARCP panels will normally consist of 3 people but for this year panels can consist of two- an FPD and an ES. Any TID panel should be 3, FPD, ES and SR / deans representative.
I: SR will host an ARCP Workshop this afternoon.

5. Welcome Event

I: NB shared the online SharePoint site that has been created for all new trainees. The site contains all information that would normally be given out in paper format at the welcome event. Each trust has their own page and there is comparable data. Feedback from the trusts was that the new resource is great. The FS is expecting the attendance to be better as it is online and there is no travelling involved. The site will only be visible to those who have been sent a link and the link cannot be shared. The site will be shared with trainees shortly after the 11th March (allocation day) to give them sufficient time to read before the welcome event.
A: NB to share the link with all trust members.
A: NB to share the site with any F1 that is moving trust for F2.
I: The welcome event will be held on Monday 22nd March, 1:30-4:30pm via a Live MS teams event. All trust attendees are asked to join the meeting at 1pm for some guidance on how the afternoon will run and trusts should be represented by the FPD throughout the meeting. Other trust members can leave and re-join if they need to.

6. Psychiatry update

I: SB has not been made aware of any issues relating to foundation training.
I: DPT has just appointed 2 new DMEs – Sam Kirkwood and Jason Hancock have taken on the role jointly.

7. General Practice update

I: No GP representative at the meeting.

8. Regional teaching update

I: SR confirmed the FS had secured some funding for clinical skills sessions. Severn already run mandatory sessions which are well received by trainees. The first sessions will take place at Derriford – purely for the reason that it is more convenient for the facilitator. The hope is that these  sessions will be offered to F2s from August 2021 if faculty can be secured.
I: The FS is hoping to run 3 Human Factors courses in May and June 2021- dates and venues still to be confirmed.
I: Trust were asked to consider face to face and teams for next year. SR suggested it would be good to get some trainee feedback to help plan for next year.
A: CT to lead on a feedback questionnaire to send out to trainees. SR asked CT to send her the questions before sending to the trainees. The FS have a survey tool that can be used.
A: If any trusts have questions they want to include please send to SR.
I: NW reported that it is hard to find somewhere in hospital to attend the online teaching.
A: FS to keep regional teaching on agenda.

9. ALS

I: In the new curriculum there is no longer a requirement to complete an resus council accredited ALS course. The skills learnt during the course are still a curriculum requirement, but have been moved to capabilities within the curriculum rather than specifying an ALS course. There have been a lot of discussions at national level about the monopoly put on the course by the Resus council. SR asked the trusts how they felt about continuing to run the ALS course versus teaching these core skills in a different way.
I: Feedback from the trust suggested they all felt the same. The ALS course that runs is well established and a really valuable course and the trusts would be reinventing the wheel should they chose not to use it. There was a general feeling that there would be very little capacity for someone in each trust to run an inhouse course and they felt this would not be supported in local teams. It would be a big ask of the resus and sim teams to create something new for all trainees.
I: AP reported she has just been on an ALS course said the resources were also really useful- a manual and the online resources.
D:The committee discussed the continued use of the ALS course and there was representation from all trusts and trainees at the meeting. Everyone understands the monopoly the Resus council has and why the course is being removed from the curriculum but it was agreed there are not enough resources in trusts to provide a suitable alternative. The FS will therefore, continue to use the ALS course until an alternative can be delivered. Study leave claims may be affected as the course will not be specified in the curriculum from August 2021 and might be challenged by HEE. However,  as resources are not available to deliver an alternative the foundation school has no alternative but to continue supporting ALS for the time being. This will be discussed again for the next academic year.
I: All trusts are moving to ALS in F1.

10. Update from national FSD meeting 

I: There is a project being run by Anaesthetic trainees in Plymouth. The trainees are providing teaching on the wards on how to cannulate with ultrasound. This is currently being done at Derriford and most F1s have been through training. This will roll out to other trusts in the region and SR has asked trust to support this project.
I: There has been a lot of discussion over the expansion of foundation posts. The 2021 F1 allocation will happen on 11th March and it is expected that there will be a national over subscription. SR thinks it is likely that the Peninsula will be required to create extra rotations and has asked the trusts who created posts last year to consider using them again this year.
I: There have been over 1000 applications for 50/60 F2 stand alone jobs. It is likely that any extra post we are asked to create at F2 will come with funding. There was a little apprehension to create extra posts when the school had vacancies at the end of the process in 2020. F2 Stand alone interviews will take place on 21st and 22nd April and we should know by end of March if we are expected to create any extra posts. If trusts had extra F2s last year it would be helpful to continue for this year. Deferrals shouldn’t happen again this year but this is not guaranteed.
A: SR to confirm as soon as possible whether the Peninsula will need to create any extra posts.
I: Expansion of foundation places to mirror medical school places will start F1 August 2023. The FS does not have any definite numbers of extra places needed but trusts are asked to start to think about increasing F1 placements. We do know that it will be a significant number and each trust will be expected to supply extra placements. This will give the trusts an opportunity to create new placements that they have not offered before and the rotations would need to include community placements. Each post would need a CS and an ES. Trusts were encouraged to start preliminary discussions. Every increased number will be for a 2 year programme F1 2023/ F2 2024.

I: From August F1s will need 2 hours of self development time per week. NHS employers website has now changed to reflect the 2 hours for F1 and F2 and SDT should be included in rotas as mandatory. The FS will continue to monitor this.

I: There has been no definite response to a longer shadowing period for F1s starting in August.

I: A change has been agreed nationally that any teaching recorded during the FiY1 period cannot be counted towards the 45 hours of teaching the trainees are required to complete. The trainees can link the FiY1 teaching to their curriculum as evidence.

I: Some medical schools have reported they are not going to be able to graduate their year 5 students on time due to the disruption they have had to their studies during the pandemic. We are not yet sure which medical schools this will be.  If this does result in late starters, they will still need shadowing and induction. We do not yet know when this decision will be communicated to foundation schools but SR will update trusts as soon as she has heard anything.

11. Educational Supervisor feedback

I: Trainees were asked to complete a feedback questionnaire in July 2020. 61% of trainees in post responded. The modal number of face-to-face meetings was 3 which is lower than previous years but this could be explained by the pandemic. Online and telephone meetings may have taken place instead. 51.5% of trainees said their meetings lasted 15-30 minutes and 98% thought their length of meeting was about right.88.4% of trainees rated their educational supervision as good or excellent and 246 (98%) of trainees said that they were happy with the educational supervisor they were allocated this year.  A very positive report which shows the benchmark for educational supervision remains at its highest level with the most frequent rating being excellent for all quality domains.
I: Educational Supervisors are doing a great job and this process is used to improve any poor feedback received. The FS would highlight to the FPD if there are ES they need to look at if poor feedback is received.
I: FB asked when this is sent as she is creating an annual plan for herself and trainees and would be happy to share once it is finished.

12. Trainee rep matters

I: LE asked if there was any way the quality panel results could be fed back to trainees in a suggested you said, we did format. The feeling is that this feedback would help to motivate the trainees to participate.
A: SR has asked all trusts to feedback to trainees after quality panels.
A: TG to ask the HEE Quality team if they can reinstate the posters they used to provide or something similar.

I: SDT have been added to rotas. Feedback was much more positive and trainees were encouraged to exception report. Cornwall SDT is looking much more positive.

I: ARCP requirements are good and trainees feel they have received a lot of information.

I: LE reported that the trainees feel the exception reporting system is not user friendly. SR is not aware of any working groups.
A: LE to take this to the next FDAB meeting and report back.

13. AOB

A: SR asked each trust to think about a plan for touching base with her on a regular basis outside of the FSC meeting e.g. by joing a local foundation meeting in a trust once a month. Due to the lack of travelling imposed by the COVID pandemic SR is keen for a regular forum for contact with the FS.

I: HEE have been looking at annual appraisals for FPDs. FPDs should have an educational appraisal with the DME every year but Sarah is happy to do this on behalf of/ or in addition to the DME if desired.
A: FPDs to contact SR to arrange an appraisal if they would like one.

I: Bill Wylie provided some feedback on foundation quality panels where he felt very included and reported that the trainee reps were a credit to the school providing constructive criticism.

I: FB asked if the year 5 final failures could be sent earlier. As soon as the FS has been notified we will pass this on to the relevant trust. The FS has no control over the final failures release dates and all medical schools are different.


Future meetings

Wednesday 12th May 2021 
Tuesday 21st September 2021 
Wednesday 1st December 2021 


Action Summary

1. F1 induction simulation project 
A: TG confirmed she had a contact in each trust except Exeter and would forward the names on to James.
A: NB to send the name of the Exeter contact to TG as soon as possible.
A: James to look into the possibility of providing some training for those who are going to run sessions.

3. Matters arising  
A: Carried forward - all trusts (ND have completed this action) are asked to check all their posts/sites have site approval and appropriate supervision is in place on the ODS list sent by TG. This action is really important to complete as if the site has not been approved the training completed at that site is not valid.

4. ARCP process 2021
A: TG to put a case together to send to HEE as the trusts feel it is important to have face to face meetings and these meetings are beneficial for the trainees. TG will put the response in an email to all trusts.

5. Welcome Event
A: NB to share the link with all trust members.
A: NB to share the site with any F1 that is moving trust for F2.

8. Regional teaching update
A: CT to lead on a feedback questionnaire to send out to trainees. SR asked CT to send her the questions before sending to the trainees. The FS have a survey tool that can be used.
A: If any trusts have questions they want to include please send to SR.
A: FS to keep regional teaching on agenda.

10. Update from national FSD meeting 
A: SR to confirm as soon as possible whether the Peninsula will need to create any extra posts.

12. Trainee rep matters
A: SR has asked all trusts to feedback to trainees after quality panels.
A: TG to ask the HEE Quality team if they can reinstate the posters they used to provide or something similar.

I: LE reported that the trainees feel the exception reporting system is not user friendly. SR is not aware of any working groups.
A: LE to take this to the next FDAB meeting and report back.

13. AOB
A: SR asked each trust to think about a plan for touching base with her on a regular basis outside of the FSC meeting e.g. by joing a local foundation meeting in a trust once a month. Due to the lack of travelling imposed by the COVID pandemic SR is keen for a regular forum for contact with the FS.

A: FPDs to contact SR to arrange an appraisal if they would like one.