Peninsula Foundation School Committee Minutes                                

Wednesday 30th November 2022 10.00 – 13:00.

Plumer House, Plymouth and via MS Teams 


Sarah Rawlinson


Peninsula Foundation School Director

Suzanne Maddock


Peninsula Foundation School Manager

Natalie Band


Peninsula Foundation School Co-ordinator

Bill Wylie


Lay Representative

Angela Cottrell


Foundation Programme Director FY1 RDE

Guru Dua


Foundation Programme Director FY2 TSDHT

Kathryn Eccleston


Foundation Programme Director FY1 RCHT

Trudy Eddy


Senior Manager, Medical Education RCHT

Matt Metherell


Foundation Programme Administrator RCHT

Nadia Khatib


Foundation Programme Director TSDHT

Sara Evans


Education Lead

Kate Talmage


Medical Education Manager UHPT

Daranee Boon


Foundation Programme Director FY1 UHPT

Nina Bossa


Medical Education Manager RDE

Fionn Bellis


Foundation Programme Director NDHT

Syeda Bukhari


F1 Trainee Representative

Caroline Rawlings


Medical Education Centre Manager NDHT

Neil Walker


Foundation Programme Director FY2 RDE

Rachel Todd


Foundation Programme Director FY2 RCHT

Helen Darke


Foundation Programme Co-ordinator RDE

Emily Crehan


F2 Trainee Representative

Herkiran Kambo


F2 Trainee Representative

Basma Ahmad


F1 Trainee Representative

Jeremy White


Medical Education Manager TSDHT

Emily Drew


Foundation Programme Co-ordinator UHPT



Helen Waters


Associate Dean for Quality, HEE

Lynette Cox


Quality Manager, HEE







Simon Bonell


Psychiatry Representative

Sarah Ansell


Head of Primary Care (Peninsula)

Jacqui Rees-Lee


Director of Medical Education TSDHT

Adam Revill


Foundation Programme Director FY1 TSDHT






























1. Apologies

NBA confirmed apologies received from those listed above.

2. Agree meeting notes from September 2022 Foundation School Committee Meeting.

DB confirmed that F1s have received a teaching session on managing sleep. The facilitator would like to be renumerated to run a regional teaching session for F2s. To be able to be part of the regional teaching programme the session would need to be linked to the curriculum. SR asked DB to liaise with the facilitator to put a proposal together where a fee can be agreed if appropriate for the F2 curriculum, and the school can add the session to the Annual Development Plan. Proposal to be in by March 2023 in order to be included on the ADP.

SFP post in Plymouth has not yet been identified by DB but now has a contact in Exeter to liaise with.

EC has completed the SFP job descriptions and will send them to SR.

NK has still not heard from the Psychiatry DME to discuss expansion of posts. The expansion posts for 2023 have been agreed so NK to chase again for a 2024 start – action to be closed.

Clinical skills programme in Plymouth for the F2 regional teaching has gone live and sessions are fully booked. ED is working on securing the facilitators.

The forum that was hosted by the trainee reps was not attended by any other trainees despite being well advertised. Trainee reps are happy to try again.

It has been agreed that the ASCERT course run in Plymouth will count for 8 hours of teaching per day. The Royal College guidance states that no teaching day can be more that 8 hours. If any trainee challenges the number of hours for this course, they must be reminded that the teaching log must cover their core topics of the curriculum and although completing 2 long courses will give them enough hours it will not cover the curriculum.

Plymouth and Torbay have agreed their extra F2 2023 placements. Cornwall have met and agreed their posts and are asked to send to the school as soon as possible. All trusts were reminded that any new placements at a new site must gain site approval from the GMC before the trainee is able to start in the post. Site approval is required for all levels of training.

DB confirmed all F1s who declared something on their STEP form have been contacted.

Curriculum evidence document will be updated and circulated. The school are hosting 3 educational supervisor workshops to discuss the curriculum requirements. The sessions will be recorded for anyone who isn’t able to attend.

SM has contacted Horus to request the setting of SLEs is displayed to avoid clicking into each linked item on the curriculum. The change was discussed at a national meeting where attendees saw the merits of this change but there was a concern that the ARCP panel would see this as a tick box exercise so it has been taken to the FDG group for further discussion.

Horus has agreed to have a sub specialty free text box to enter the specialty our Academic trainees are working in. There will also be the opportunity to add in the percentage of the post and will be added in time for ARCP.

The number of elearning hours was discussed. There is no national cap on the number of elearning hours a trainee can use towards their teaching hours and the committee agreed we should not put a cap on elearning in the Peninsula.

A: Foundation School will provide some guidance for trainees ensuring that there is a reasonable balance and that if all teaching is elearning it will be challenged.

There are still 4 F2s that do not have a maxcourse account. SR asked the FPDs to contact the F2s and give them the message that without attending the regional teaching programme sessions they will not meet the core hours teaching requirement as 24 of the 30 hours must be from the regional teaching programme available on Maxcourse.

3. Trainee rep matters

EC confirmed that no foundation trainees came to the drop in session they offered. They also have had no emails from any other trainees. There was a small discussion around F2s not being able to attend regional teaching sessions due to rota and departmental issues. All F1s in Cornwall have completed a feedback form and the only real comment was around the initial elearning from the trust.

4. Foundation Expansion and Recruitment

  • SFP recruitment

2022 was the first year where the Peninsula and Severn Foundation Schools have split the SFP recruitment. The Peninsula received 42 applications for 8 placements (Severn still recruited the 2 research posts in Exeter). 24 applicants were interviewed and there were 20 strong candidates. Offers will be released in January.

  • Welcome event

The Welcome event for 2023 will be held virtually on Wednesday 15th March 2023. The 2023 event will have an extra session from the Foundation School in the morning which will focus on next steps and competition ratios. This has been included after the students from 2022 would have liked this to be part of the event. The afternoon session will begin at 12:30-13:00 and will have the same format as previous years. Each trust will get a timed slot for their trainee presentation and a Q&A session. Presentations should be between 10-15 minutes and no longer to ensure fairness to all trusts. We will request that all presentations are pre-recorded again for 2023 and NBA is happy to assist trusts with this.

A: NBA to send email to all trust reps with further information.

A: All trusts are asked to identify 1 or 2 trainees to put together the presentation and be available on the day.


  • August 2023 rotations

KE confirmed that they have 9 new posts for August 2023 but were struggling to get the final agreement without an official letter from HEE.

A: KE to send information to Suzanne who can produce a formal letter to the trust

KE confirmed that there is a possibility they could do an extra 3 posts but for 2024 they would only be able to do 6 instead of 9.

SR confirmed there will be ongoing oversubscription and the extra posts will be permanent so if any trust have any extra posts to the school would be very grateful.

DB confirmed that Plymouth have 9 extra posts starting in 2023. One MOD post has been removed so the trust are going to use that triplet for the national round.

A: SR has asked Plymouth to chase the job description for the new Sexual Health post as it has not yet been received.

NK confirmed that Torbay have no new posts for 2023 as their posts were brought forward for the 2022 reserve list. Will be able to provide more for 2024 and NK will look at the possibility of creating more for the reserve list in 2023.

NW confirmed that Exeter have 6 new posts for 2023 but the funding has not been agreed by the trust – as soon as it has NW will send all post information to the school. The only new post is an F1 in Paediatrics but there is already an F2 in the department. The consultant for the Peri-operative post has gone on sabbatical and may not return so the post might need to be changed. Exeter have a further triplet for 2024 which is coupled with ND and the funding has all been requested at the same time.

FB confirmed that North Devon have a triplet for 2023 and one for 2024 which is coupled with Exeter. There is enthusiasm to get trainees into North Devon and FB felt if would be possible to add another post if there was full funding. SR will bring it up at a national meeting for discussion and clarification.

There is an increase of 600 applications for 2023 of which two thirds are UK graduates and one third are IMGs. It is anticipated that nationally 400 expansion posts will be required. The UKFPO are liaising with lawyers to make a decision on how to handle the oversubscription. There will be no change for 2023 as the deadline for changes passed in October. It has not yet been decided how oversubscription will be managed but it is possible the applicants will be matched in batch allocations. There are discussions taking place on FPD and Admin time which has been delayed by the merge but there is a new formula based on permanent trainee numbers.

A: SR to send any further information on the allocations and FPD/Admin time as soon as she has it.


  • Elearning

Decision was made to not have a cap on elearning in the Peninsula but any trainee that has a teaching log entirely of elearning should be challenged.

6. Regional teaching

  • Update from Sara Evans, Educational Lead

SE has recently met with the Peninsula Academic Education Trainees to discover what teaching was happening locally. Every trust in the Peninsula is providing F1s with a regular teaching programme. Some trusts are doing local F2 teaching but since moving to regional teaching this was not a requirement and trusts are not able to mandate that trainees attend. An idea that came out of the meeting was for the trusts to buddy up with another who is providing local F2 teaching so their trainees could attend virtually. Exeter and Cornwall are providing weekly F2 teaching. FB said that local teaching for F2s was cancelled due to low numbers of attendees and the faculty were not happy to facilitate to such low numbers. Some felt that local teaching was easier to attend as all regional teaching sessions require the trainee to book study leave and that joining a session virtually does not have the same benefits as joining face to face.

A: EC to liaise with trusts about the proposal of buddying up for local teaching sessions.

SE asked if any sessions that are fully virtual could be opened up to Severn trainees as well.

A: All trusts to contact NBA when creating an online session that can be opened up so it can be added to the Severn Maxcourse system.

SE has been in touch with the Genomics network to host a session on Genomics which is new to the curriculum. The session will be half a day and will run at the end of March. It will be an online session for Severn and Peninsula trainees.

F1 on call SIM sessions as part of the F1 induction was introduced a couple of years ago. Some trusts added it as a one off and others have carried it on.

A: SE to liaise with the trusts to discuss the logistics of running these sessions.

ALS does not count as any part of teaching and is not part of the curriculum anymore, but trainees still need to show evidence of the skills.

SR has obtained funding for a remote and restorative course to help the current F2 trainees with the impact of Covid. There will be 5 courses of 30 trainees and will be open across the South West to Peninsula and Severn trainees in March and April. There are also discussions being held to double the offer of the current Remote Health and Leadership course offered by Derriford.

There has been an increase in the number of trainees applying for study leave to attend a surgical skills courses. The Royal College of Surgeons have adjusted the surgical ST application and a number of points are available for surgically aligned courses. The UKFPO are going to adjust this again.

If trusts are hosting regional teaching outside of an NHS building, there will need to be a good reason and will need to be claimed through the study leave budget. If the course is going to be regular, it will need to go through the annual development plan.

The number of courses currently on Maxcourse were shared with the committee:




14 - including 4 ASCERT & 7 Clinical Skills courses









Study leave should not be approved for Human Factors or Leadership and Management Courses as these are provided by the school and there are still plenty of spaces to book.

7. Quality Panels

Helen Waters, Associate Dean for Quality and Lynette Cox, Quality Manager joined the meeting to give a presentation on the new quality panels process. To view to the slides please visit the Quality SharePoint and click on general information. The site also has full information on the different roles so please ensure you have access to this site before the quality panel in your trust. There is a plan to escalate any concerns and a separate form must be completed which can be located on the SharePoint site or the Quality Team website.

The outcome report tool also has a check box for bullying and undermining which is labelled ‘B&U’ – this will create a flag for the quality team who will be able to look out for the escalating concerns form as detailed above.

The timeline for the final report is within 6 weeks of the quality panel date and the quality team will follow up on any actions that arise.

Foundation has a really large range and the quality panels should represent as many learners as possible.

Lynette shared some brief slides about the National Trainee Survey results. The main highlights were:

  • All 14 indicators are above the national mean for F1
  • F1 Overall satisfaction 1st within the UK no indicators fall within the bottom 3
  • 8 of 16 above national mean for F2
  • F2 Overall satisfaction 7th of 11
  • Handover and rota are the biggest challenges closely followed by workload

8. Portfolio – Personal Learning log

The Educational Supervisors are not looking at this log in trainees portfolios to confirm what the trainee has linked as core and non-core. Please see the UKFPO website for the national document. Basic Surgical Skills courses are not counted as any teaching. SIM sessions are now core teaching and anything on the regional teaching programme (booked through Maxcourse) is core teaching.

9. General Practice update

No representative available.

10. Psychiatry

No representative available

11. Foundation School Directors update

  • PSA

There is a national review of the PSA. The review is asking for feedback on the PSA and what happens in the trust when a trainee has not passed the PSA.

A: SR asked all trusts to email her with their views on the PSA and what their trust does with a trainee who doesn’t have the PSA.

A: SR also asked if any trusts have a good pharmacist that would be keen to help facilitate a workshop for those that need the PSA, to let her know.

It has already been fed back that September is not a good month for the first sitting but until it is changed the trainee should be encouraged to use this sitting as a mock assessment

  • Industrial action

For any foundation trainee that takes part in any industrial action they need to take this as unpaid leave. It would be included in their 20 days absence from the programme.

Foundation doctors should not be deployed during the nursing strike to complete nursing duties. The deanery will not allow this, and it will not be supported as training.

  • Foundation Programme Allocation

There is a consultation out about how the foundation programme allocates final year medical students and IMGs. Currently students are allocated based on a combined score from their EPM and SJT. There are concerns that the SJT is subjective and that the EPM is not based on standard assessments so two schools cannot be compared. The proposal is for all applicants to be randomly allocated a number and that number will become a rank which will be used to match applicants to a foundation school. A pilot has been conducted and based on last year’s cohort 81% (a different 81%) still got their first choice with the new system. The BMA are hosting a webinar on the new process on 13th December at 7pm which all attendees must register to attend.

  • FDAB

FDAB is the trainee reps quarterly meeting. Buddying F1s with F2s has been given some very good feedback. In the Peninsula some trusts are already doing this but some are not.

A: SR has asked all trusts to start the buddying system up again as it is a wish from the trainees that they would like it.

13. AOB

  • ES Feedback

All FPDs will be getting an email from the school with details on their Educational Supervisors feedback from 2021/2022. This year the feedback has not been as good as previous years and there are 3 supervisors whose feedback was very poor and needs to be reviewed by the FPD.

  • National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day (NFDPD)

All are welcome to attend this event. NW questioned whether this event was under category 1 in the study leave guidance. SR confirmed that it should be category 1.

  • NACT – Sharing best practice event

The Sharing best practice event is on 29th March 2023 in Birmingham – further information can be found here


Next meeting dates

Wednesday 1st March 2023 (1pm – ARCP session for FPDs)

Tuesday 9th May 2023

Wednesday 20th September 2023

Tuesday 5th December 2023




Agenda Item  

FSC Member  


By When  



Foundation School will provide some guidance for trainees ensuring that there is a reasonable balance and that if all teaching is elearning it will be challenged.

Next meeting

3 – Welcome Event 2023




NBA to send email to all trust reps with further information.

All trusts are asked to identify 1 or 2 trainees to put together the presentation and be available on the day.


16th January 2023

3 – August 2023 rotations


KE to send information to Suzanne who can produce a formal letter to the trust




SR has asked Plymouth to chase the job description for the new Sexual Health post as it has not yet been received.




SR to send any further information on the allocations and FPD/Admin time as soon as she has it.


6 – Regional teaching








EC to liaise with trusts about the proposal of buddying up for local teaching sessions.

All trusts to contact NBA when creating an online session that can be opened up so it can be added to the Severn Maxcourse system.

SE to liaise with the trusts to discuss the logistics of running the F1 on call SIM sessions as part of the induction.

Next meeting

11 – FSD Update



SR asked all trusts to email her with their views on the PSA and what their trust does with a trainee who doesn’t have the PSA.

SR also asked if any trusts have a good pharmacist that would be keen to help facilitate a workshop for those that need the PSA, to let her know.

SR has asked all trusts to start the buddying system up again as it is a wish from the trainees that they would like it.

Next meeting